Jacaranda Journey
The Beginning So the Journey Begins.........
We cast off more than our docklines when we left our slip at Silver Gate Yacht Club on May 17, 2005. We sailed out of San Diego Bay for the first time on JACARANDA as live-aboards, leaving a comfortable and familiar land-bound way of life behind in our wake. For Chuck, it meant coming home again, to the way he lived before he chose to temporarily leave it in 1997 so that we could be together. For me, it was the beginning of a major adjustment to a new and foreign lifestyle I had only glimpsed. For both of us, it was the realization of our 7-year-old dream to go cruising.
Although it is considered bad form in cruising to announce any plans (since the only thing that stays constant is change), here are our thoughts about a vague and general itinerary: after a summer shakedown cruise in the Channel Islands (California's Galapagos lying off the coast of Los Angeles and Santa Barbara), we'll return to San Diego in September to complete boat projects and reprovision, leave for Mexico in late October, head further south one of these days, and then eventually turn west.
There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other ........Douglas Everett
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